Trainers of Concepcion Carrier, the leader in the air-conditioning industry, successfully completed TalkShop’s “Training the Trainers” program, a 6-day self-assessment supervisory seminar on communication and management held Oct. 1- 8, 2010. With this, the supervisors are off to a fresh start, armed with self-improvement techniques and a broader, more optimistic mindset.
TalkShop tailor-fits its corporate workshops to clients’s training needs. Underlying all its workshops are values-reinforcement and confidence-building through enhanced communication.
TalkShop specializes in Integrated Language Teaching (ILT), a teaching style, which CEO Sheila Viesca introduced to the Philippines in 2002. As Viesca explains, “ILT interweaves all language skills—reading, writing, listening, and speaking—so participants achieve total personality development and communicative competence. Students are engaged actively in meaningful discussions and given evaluative exercises that fuse the interactive teaching approaches of the West with the creative learning styles of the East.”
Concepcion Carrier supervisor, Cherryl Beltran, says, “I put a premium on this special training because it will encourage me to set sights on bigger things both for myself and the company. The program, which helped me discover myself and my leadership styles, also proved to be effective in my dealings with internal and external customers. I am thankful for the opportunity my company has given me. Now I am better equipped to respond to various situations with tact and confidence. I thank TalkShop for making me a better leader and mentor.”
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