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- Sheila Viesca, TalkShop

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Which Public Toilet Should Transgender People Use?

Which toilet should transgender people use? I never bothered with this seemingly trivial matter until one day at a mall toilet I witnessed how a few of them got shooed out by the guard on duty. After doing some research, I gathered some straightforward definition of the transgender terms we usually encounter. I hope they help as TalkShop invites you to share your views on the topic.

Which toilet should transgender people use? I never bothered with this seemingly trivial matter until one day at a mall toilet I witnessed how a few of them got shooed out by the guard on duty. After doing some research, I gathered some straightforward definition of the transgender terms we usually encounter. I hope they help as TalkShop invites you to share your views on the topic.

Gender discrimination has been a problem of the past but now we’re faced with an even greater challenge: transgender discrimination. Transgender people are labeled LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender). However, despite the recognition of their personalities, gender identity, and even sexual orientation, there is still an unspoken intolerance of transgender individuals.

This is especially true for transsexuals and cross-dressers. A transsexual is a transgender who undergoes sexual transition. Some may undergo hormone therapy. Transmen take testosterone while transwomen take estrogen and related female hormones. Cross dressers are transgenders who find freedom and fulfillment in expressing themselves in clothing of the opposite sex. Drag queens and drag kings are terms used on those who undergo extreme makeover.

Hope to hear from you soon. - Sheila

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