“Personal effectiveness is the core of our business.”
- Sheila Viesca, TalkShop

Monday, December 17, 2012

Customer Service

Customer Service

"There is only one boss, and whether a person shines shoes for a living or heads up the biggest corporation in the world, the boss remains the same. It is the customer! The customer is the person who pays everyone’s salary and who decides whether a business is going to succeed or fail. In fact, the customer can fire everybody in the company from the CEO on down, and he can do it simply by spending his money somewhere else.

Literally everything we do, every concept perceived, every technology developed and associate employed, is directed with this one objective clearly in mind – pleasing the customer."

 Faisal Amin
Marketing Director of Talkshop

Ask any CEO of a company, president of a bank, manager of an office, minister or staff person and they will tell you HOW IMPORTANT the customer is to their operations and success. In meeting after meeting, heads of industry, the service sector, utilities, and government try to convince the audience how much they believe in customer service.

“It is our mission, it is our number one priority, it is our goal, it is why we are in business, etc...,” often prove to be mere epitaphs. Unfortunately, these same “customer friendly” executives go back to their offices, de-employ office staff, fail to initiate a customer service improvement plan and send memos out saying customer complaints are unjustified and overblown.

• Customers will spend up to 10% more for the same product with better service.
• When customers receive good service they tell 10-12 people on average.
• When customers receive poor service they tell upwards of 20 people.
• There is an 82% chance customers will repurchase from a company where they were satisfied.
• There is a 91% chance that poor service will dissuade a customer from ever going back to a company.

It is often not what you articulate but how it is presented. What you wear and how you express yourself has a lot to do with how what you say is received.
Have you ever noticed how a person who is dressed-up, even in older or out-of-style clothing, always commands more authority and respect? The impression they make and what they have to say is enhanced by their personal presentation, facial and hand gestures, as well as the substance of what they have to say. As it turns out, substance is only part of the equation of being persuasive and influencing perception.

Customers today are not only interested in the product they are being offered but all the additional elements of service that they receive from the greeting they receive when they enter a retail outlet, to the refund and help that they receive when they have a complaint about a faulty product that they have paid for!

At Talkshop, the best English School in Manila, we will help you master how to deliver excellent customer service in your company.

Visit TalkShop!

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